How Efficient is your Herd?

How Efficient is your Herd?

The resilience of the farming sector and the people within it is like no other, and is something we should all be proud of, rising to the challenges thrown our way time and time again. More often than not, these challenges are from factors external to your business...
Planning Ahead for Power and Success

Planning Ahead for Power and Success

With tup sales almost coming to an end, the primary focus is now concentrating on this years tup lambs, which requires attention straight away! Everyone wants to produce the big strong powerful tups by growing a big frame, to allow lean muscle to flourish within your...
Feeding In Calf Cows

Feeding In Calf Cows

Ensuring suckler cows are fed the correct micronutrients in the run-up to calving is vital to ensure cow and calf health isn’t compromised. Winter rations which are mostly forage are common in spring calving herds, this is where deficiencies are likely to occur. Feed...
The Importance of Forage Analysis

The Importance of Forage Analysis

In an Effective Winter Feed Plan With autumn in full swing and winter fast approaching many farmers minds are now turning to winter turn in. To accurately plan for winter and ensure best results for stock during this time a winter feed plan is key with forage analysis...