Everyone wants to produce the big strong powerful tups by growing a big frame, to allow lean muscle to flourish within your breeding flock. Fundamentally this is achieved over a period of time, therefore, it is vital to introduce feeding to a tup’s diet as soon as possible to help develop the rumen and to ensure they meet their genetic potential.
A ration high in protein is important in strengthening your tups as it allows for optimal muscle growth and bone development. Soya is an excellent example of protein to have as the main source in the diet as it provides high levels of digestible un-degradable protein (DUP).
A diet with plenty of fibre slows down rumen passage and prevents any rumen acidosis. Sugar Beet Pulp provides highly digestible fibre as well as supplying high sugar levels and rumen fermentable energy. This in turn aids with rumen condition and will ensure the tups are always thriving.
A good balance of starches – Maize, Barley and Wheat – are also important in the diet to allow for optimum rumen balance. Bypass starch and protein in the diet are essential for better rumen efficiency to ensure the tups make the best use of the concentrate provided.
Davidsons Animal Feed’s Reiver Grower Nut would be the go-to product as it ticks all the boxes. It is a high energy diet along with a high Soya, Sugar Beet content and a triple starch formulation. Our Reiver has a unique intake stimulant with a high inclusion of ammonium chloride. Not only this but it is a high protein diet of 17.5% protein which is designed not to lay down too much fat but primarily grow a big strong frame. Next autumn these powerful tups will generally look and sell well in the sale ring.
At Davidsons as well as performance the foremost important aim is tup and ewe fertility, which is essential when breeding sheep. To ensure optimum fertility the correct levels of nutrients must be assessable in their diet, where it is essential the correct vitamins and minerals must be available in the ration so they can ultimately go out and work to their full potential. Selenium and Zinc both play a key role in the reproductive health, particularly the production of sperm. Deficiency in these macro-nutrients may cause less motile sperm and reduction in quality which can lead to issues regarding fertility. It is vital to pay detail to vitamin and mineral levels being fed to females and males to ensure optimum health and fertility.
According to Lanarkshire farmer and farm vet, Neil Laing, who feeds the Reiver through the winter to his breading stock says: “The Reiver provides an excellent vitamin and mineral pack, it ensures the correct levels for each are given to breeding sheep which is vital when selecting a diet. It is important to check that your breeding stock are getting the correct nutrients as there are some diets available which may not.”
“It is a great product, it has helped strengthen my tups and has put the power and quality into my flock and I am now achieving outstanding growth rates.’
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