A dairy farms future is reliant on quality replacement heifers, with many farms aiming to calve at 22 – 24 months of age.

To ensure this is possible, a combination of good management and correct nutrition is required.

Poor nutrition between weaning and breeding has been found to negatively impact the rate of puberty and increases the chance of pregnancy loss.

It is advised that heifers should achieve 65% of their mature weight before breeding in order for them to successfully calve at the age of two.

To achieve this, heifers need to maintain an average daily growth rate of about 0.8kg between weaning and breeding.

Feeding high-quality silage together with an additional 1–2 kg of our Davidsons performance heifer nuts can help achieve this.

Davidsons performance heifer nuts have been designed to optimise the future health and productivity of your heifers for efficient, long term future.

Product information > https://www.davidsonsfeeds.co.uk/2021/05/17/performance-heifer-nut/