Nutrition News

Working at the forefront of the animal nutrition industry, we understand that the business and surrounding environment is constantly growing and evolving. At Davidsons Feeds we believe in informing the rural community and farmers by keeping them up to date with the latest product information, market news, industry information and to help celebrate good news and achievements in our communities…

Unveiling the nutritional power of Davidsons pedigree show & sale range
With tup and breeding sales fast approaching, it is now time to put that final power and shine…
Heifers – The future of your herd
A dairy farms future is reliant on quality replacement heifers, with many farms aiming to calve at 22 – 24 months of age…
Is creep feeding calves a good investment?
Creep feeding is one of the most profitable investments for any beef farmer. Designed to reduce the number of days calves are on farm…
Combat grass staggers
As many suckler herds start to turn out cows and calves for the summer, it’s important to be aware of the risk of Hypomagnesaemia, better known as grass staggers…
Why creep feed lambs?
Sheep specialist and sales manager Steven Turnbull was interviewed by Scottish farmer reporter Julie Wight, on the benefits of creep feeding lambs at an early age…
New Jersey Challenge at Scroggiehill Farm
Beginning an adventure into building a milking Jersey herd and installing and improving the whole farm infrastructure is exactly the…
Sourcing a Suitable in-lamb Ewe Compound
The countdown to lambing is once again under way, so it is vital to ensure sheep are well cared for to achieve optimal output at lambing time…
How to reduce finishing days on farm via feeding
Creep feeding fat production lambs as early as two weeks old to reduce the number of days on farm, is the primary function for Ali Gordon…
Feed to maximise output, not to reduce cost!
The cost of milk production is rising rapidly with almost every input increasing at unforeseen levels. Milk price is rising too…
Davidsons Feeds Makes It A Happy One

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Gray Street, Shotts ML7 5EZ

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